Virtual Private Server (offline)


This service is offline due to a lack of use. If you want to use this service, please contact us.

This service only can be accessed in the DN42 network.

The VPS is based on LXD. All VPS only have access to the DN42 network. If you want to access a public network, you need to set up your own tunnel.


Open control panel: http://cloud.gcc.dn42

The username is dn42, the password is dn42.

Create a new instance, wait a minute, and refresh the page. You will see your instance is UP and have a DN42 IP. Use SSH to connect it, the default root password is dn42dn42.

Please do not run a heavy load on the VPS. For example, mining bitcoins. Also please do not shutdown/reboot/delete/etc. other's instance. Remember your instance's name and delete it when you don't use it anymore. Do not store important data on the VPS.


Please feel free to contact us. E-mail is on the main page.

Last updated